The SugarMount backpack is a game-changer for anyone who loves to stay active and organized on the go. No more digging through your bag or stopping mid-jog from grabbing your essentials! With the innovative retractable 'seatbelt' feature, your items are always within reach and accessible at a moment's notice, making them the perfect choice for outdoor adventures like hiking, trekking, or even climbing.
(Submission for James Dyson Awards 2022)
CAD Design
'Seatbelt' Compartment Technology
The side compartment extension technology functions similarly to a seatbelt. By pulling on side compartments, you may quickly access the contents of your backpack while on the move. The backpack is loaded with a spiral spring retractor mechanism and a lock which will stay in place once extended and retract when the users decide to release the compartments. Additionally, it is also ergonomically designed to be easily retrievable without straining their arms or shoulders. This allows backpackers to access their items without spending time or energy making unnecessary adjustments.

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